The "Members" tab of the "Dashboard" lists by default all the drivers who have made at least one trip in the current week ("Active").
The table presenting the "Members" offers filters to customize the content of the columns by clicking on "...". For more information, you can go to the dedicated page.
The “Action” button on each driver allows you to select the actions:
- “Profile”: to consult a driver main information;
- “Display synthesis”: to have the detail of the driver behavior;
- “Send a message”: to send a message directly to the driver as an administrator;
- “Afficher les trajets” : permet d’afficher les trajets de l’utilisateur (si cette option est activée);
- “Display trips”: to display the driver’s trip (if the option is activated);
- “Deactivated”: to deactivate a driver, he can no longer connect to his account, but the data are still present in the database.
This tab also allows you to add drivers or search for a particular driver.
Finally, you can filter the display of drivers according to their activity (active or inactive), or their category.
There is a "Members" tab for each group. To display the list of members of a group, simply click on the group name that appears in the side menu ("Dashboard" section) on the left of the screen.
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